Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So on my college's campus today, people were handing out those Vegan Outreach booklets. That's fine, no biggie, they do it every year, sometimes twice a year. But in this one (maybe it was in the others and I just didn't notice) there was a website, opposecruelty.com, I decided to check it out and basically found out their mission is to turn everyone Vegan. Not going to happen. I have no problem with people being Vegan, I actually know a few, but there are too many people out there who love meat (myself included). But in these booklets they show slaughterhouses and "farms." I agree that places like these need to be eradicated, but Veganism is not the only answer. And besides, not every place is like that, many have become much more humane and I fail to see how killing animals for food now is any different from wringing a chicken's neck or cutting open a pig/cow back in the "olden days."

Just a few thoughts.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

End of the Semester

So the end of the school semester is about two weeks away. I don't know if I should be excited or not. On one hand, that's one more semester of being closer to graduating, which means no more loans. BUT on the other hand, that's one semester closer to graduating and having to pay off those loans and havign to find a job in an economy that sucks. Also, that means it's time to go back to work at Krystal for the summer. Eh, whatever I suppose, time moves on and stops for no one.

Also, Donald Trump is thinking about running for president. Hmm...well I suppose that'd be okay if he runs the country like he runs his business. We need a business man about now.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Obamas are not invited...

So apparently Prince William and his fiance Kate Middleton have decided to not invite the First family to their wedding in April. And why is this worth mentioning? Well apparently the American news reporters are having a field day about it. Just search it on a search engine and, voila! There it is. The official reasoning is that they want to fill Westminster Abbey's 2,000 seats with charity workers and other "common" people, however several "big-wigs" are invited. I've heard, though I cannot remember the source, that the Prince does not want the Obamas there because he does not want Michelle Obama to upstage his wife-to-be (Personally, I think that was probably just a more diplomatic way of saying she's a bitch and that he doesn't want her there at all). Also, I've heard that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, said that she does not want the Obamas there because they refuse to show proper respect for royalty, such as the customary bowing. The Obamas refused to bow to the Queen, but were okay with bowing to the Saudi king. Yes, Michelle was not under any obligation to curtsy, however it is respectful, just like not touching the Queen is expected. I have a feeling that if the Queen really does not want them there, it has something to do with the First Lady touching the Queen on their visit.