Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Sims!!

So I'm a HUGE Sims fanatic. I have played the game since the very first one came out all those years ago. I have recently gotten into the Sims 3 Legacies/Challenges. For those who don't know, Legacies and Challenges are basically a way to make the game more interesting for those of us who have played it for so long and use cheats more often than not.

A Legacy is generally a ten generation family with certain goals for each generation. For Example: The Original 10 Gen Legacy - as you can see, it refuses to allow you to use cheats, you can't bring sims back from the dead, etc. Now, there are other types of legacies, such as the Rainbowcy, which is pretty much left up to you as long as you start with a neutral color sim (white, beige, grey, etc.) and marry in new colors each generation (green, blue, red, etc.), most players keep to the regular legacy rules. There is also the Disney Legacy/Challenge - each generation must reflect a different Disney movie. There are so many different legacies and these only scratch the surface.

As for challenges, they can really be anything. Most challenges require a certain number of generations to complete, while others are simply a "however many it takes" type of challenge. For example, there are the Apocalypse Challenge and the Post-Apocalyptic Challenge - both of these deal with the apocalypse, of course. There are even challenges that deal specifically with pets. 

There is a third type of challenge/legacy, known as the "Building from Nothing" Challenges. They are the Shipwrecked and Single Castaway Challenge, the Hogsmeade Challenge (yes, a Harry Potter Challenge), and, the one I am currently doing, the Adam and Eve (50 Generation) Challenge. What makes these three so special? Easy, you start with an empty world in the Sims 3, and I mean EMPTY!! It must be cleared of everything but your allotted number of founders (usually only one or two). You then build the world from the ground up to the specifics of the challenge.

If you would like a more comprehensive list of challenges and legacies, please click here --> Sims 3 Legacies and Challenges - Note: this link may not be all of them. 

Also, I have a blog for my current challenge, located here.

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